Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Secondary/Adult Topic: Miscue Analysis

10-second review: ELLs [English Language Learners] compared the word they said in English when reading aloud vs. the actual word in the text and speculated on why they did so. Led to better understanding of the reading process.

Title: “Retrospective Miscue Analysis with Proficient Adult ESL [English as a Second Language] Readers.” AJ Wurr. JL Theurer. KJ Kim. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (December 2008/January 2009), 324-333.

Summary/Quote: “Through the RMA [Retrospective Miscue Analysis] sessions, Young’s perception toward the reading process was transformed from a skill-oriented process to a meaning-oriented one. He came to understand the reading process more deeply by looking at his own reading and miscues by giving permission to himself to guess certain things he was not clear about. As Young became more confident, he began to take risks to deal with vagueness. In so doing, he constructed meaning more efficiently and effectively…. The results show Young was able to revalue himself as a better L2 [English] reader than he initially thought.”

Comment: Never tried it, but I think it’s worth a try. The author used tape recordings of the student’s reading and then compared the tape with the text to determine the miscues. To start, I’d be inclined to have students read passages aloud while the instructor follows along with the same passage, noting the changes on the written passage. RayS.

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