Monday, June 14, 2010

Topic: Writing Standards, Grade 6.

Write arguments in which students introduce a claim about a topic or issue and organize the reasons and evidence to support it. Sustain an objective style and tone. Provide a concluding statement.

Informative/ explanatory writing. Introduce a topic and organize information appropriate to the purpose, including definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect. Develop the topic with relevant facts, definition, concrete details, quotations and examples. Vary sentence structure. Distinguish among fact, opinions presented in the text.

Narrative writing. Organize a sequence of events or experiences. Develop narrative with setting, events and characters. Use transition words. Provide a satisfying conclusion. Analyze stories in the same genre.

Plan, revise and edit. Use technology to publish.

Research short, focused research projects. Use multiple print and digital sources. Quote and paraphrase. Avoid plagiarism and document sources.

Write responses to literary or informational sources.

Range of tasks, purposes and audiences.

Source:  “CCSSI (Common Core State Standards Initiative) for English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies and Science.” March 10, 2010. You will find the standards at

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