Thursday, May 7, 2009

Topic: Early Reading and Personality

10-second review: Students who approach learning to read with a positive attitude succeed in reading. Those who approach the task of reading with a negative, defeatist attitude obstruct their attempts to learn to read.

Title: “Academic Resilience and Reading: Building Successful Readers.” EM McTigue, EK Washburn, and J Liew. Reading Teacher (January 2009), 422-432. A publication of the International Reading Association (IRA).

Summary/Quote: “While there are few formal tools for relating personality assessments to reading instruction, there are informal methods to collect such information. Namely, structured observations during literacy instruction and during storybook reading can provide invaluable information. Key features to observe and consider are (a) engagement and participation levels, (b) self-monitoring, and (c) inquiries for help.” P. 427.

"What are some methods for helping children change their attitudes toward reading? “Modeling, the process of observing and patterning one’s thoughts, beliefs and behavior after an exemplar (Schunk, 1987), represents both a principle and practice that literacy teachers can employ to support resilience in student thinking.” P. 427.

"And don’t forget feedback. Comment on good reading skills and be positive when helping students correct problems with their reading. Have students set specific goals in learning specific skills. These techniques can help children succeed."

Comment: In summary, students who expect to succeed in reading will. Students who don’t expect to succeed, probably won’t. To change the child’s negative attitude toward reading, the teacher should demonstrate a positive attitude toward reading. I think the defeatist and negative attitude toward reading, for whatever reason, is probably one part of children’s reading problems. RayS.

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