Friday, February 18, 2011

"Sit Spots" and Writing Journals

Question: How can students learn how to be critical observers?

Answer: Students pick their “sit spot” from which they observe for 20 minutes a week what is occurring in the world around them. “When Mark proclaimed that spending 20 minutes a week to pay attention was the most relevant thing he had done so far in class, it was because his observation journal and sit spot helped him develop habits of mind necessary to being a critical, creative, engaged student—and citizen.” P. 48.

Comment: The possibilities for using “sit spots,” observation, thinking and writing are endless. It could be a lesson in ecology. But it could also be a lesson in psychology. Finding places to sit, observe and study what they see connects the outer world and the inner world of the students. RayS.

Title: “Teaching Where We Are: Place-Based Language Arts.” Merrilyne Lundahl. English Journal (January 2011), 44-48.

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