Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Reviewing This Blog, English Updates

Question: How can I review all of the ideas presented in this blog?

Answer: I began this blog, English Updates in 2006. The format has changed since then, but the purpose has remained consistent. I try to highlight interesting ideas in the teaching of English, K-12, from articles in professional journals, primarily from the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) and the International Reading Association (IRA). Some of the journals that I review are as follows:

From the National Council of Teachers of English: Language Arts (elementary schools) , Voices from the Middle (middle schools), English Journal (secondary schools), College English, College Composition and Communication (emphasis on writing), Teaching English in Two-Year Colleges, Research in the Teaching of English, English Education (English teacher education). From the International Reading Association (IRA): Reading Teacher (elementary and middle schools), Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, and Reading Research Quarterly. If the titles of these journals inhibit you, the articles usually do not. They are a valuable source of ideas about teaching English, written by teachers at all levels. Their audience is teachers of English/language arts at all levels.

To review my blogs, from 2006 to the present, click on the Blog Archives on the left of the present article. The archives are listed by year together with the number of blogs published during that year [i.e., 2007 (103) ]. Click on the year (2007), and the months in 2006/2007 will appear with the number of blogs published during those months [October (14);September (10); August (14), etc.] Click on the individual month and the titles of the individual blogs will appear. Click on the individual title and the blog will appear.

I don’t want to waste the reader’s time by manually reviewing ideas that I have already reviewed, which will prevent the reader from learning current updates. RayS. 

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