Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Teaching English in Two-Year Colleges March 07

Writing..... Assignment..... Students complete an “Op-ed” piece. Should include a description of the problem and a solution. K Strasma. TETYC (Mar. 07), 261.

Writing..... Assignment..... Students view film together, then review it. Note on what they agree and what they don’t. K Strasma. TETYC (Mar. 07), 260.

Writing..... Assignment..... Students write an essay modeled on Newsweek’s “My Turn.” K Strasma. TETYC (Mar. 07), 258.

Writing..... Assignment..... “Trendsetter’s Composition.” Students report on a trend they have observed, with examples. K Strasma. TETYC (Mar. 07), 259.

Literature..... History..... Literature and history are alike in that they both tell stories. How are their story-telling methods alike and different? ED Devet. TETYC (Mar. 07), 279-286.

Writing..... Interview..... First assignment is to interview a classmate and write it up. Diagnostic writing tool. We need to pay more attention to teaching skillful interviewing in class. Interviewing skills are important in many careers. BA Morris. TETYC (Mar. 07), 287-290.

Curriculum..... Students..... Students are blamed for their own failures when, in fact, the society is the cause of their failures. WH Thelin & K Taczak. TETYC (Mar. 07), 295.

Writing..... Editing..... In addition to a class handbook for writing and editing, keep a stock of individual handbooks that have special features helpful for different problems in learning to write. SK Miller-Cochran. TETYC (Mar. 07), 335.

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