Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Topic: Definition of a Program in Professional, Technical, Business and Scientific Writing

10-second review: Generic description of a program in professional, technical, business and scientific writing at the college level.

Title: “Making the Case of Disciplinarity in Rhetoric, Composition, and Writing Studies: The Visibility Project.” LW Phelps and JM Ackerman. College Composition and Communication (September 2010), 180-215.

Professional, Technical, Business and Scientific Writing
“A program that focuses on professional, technical, business, and scientific writing; and that prepares individuals for academic positions or for professional careers as writers, editors, researchers, and related careers in business, government, non-profits and the professions. Includes instruction in theories of rhetoric, writing , and digital literacy; document design, production, and management; visual rhetoric and multimedia composition; documentation development; usability testing; web writing; and publishing in print and electronic media. Examples: biomedical writing; medical writing; professional, technical and scientific writing/communication.” P. 209.

Final blog in the series of programs in writing: rhetoric and composition.

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