Thursday, August 18, 2011

More on Nouns and Verbs

Question: What should you do when you revise?

Answer/Quote: “Write with powerful verbs and nouns. Word choice defines you as a writer, so choose carefully. When revising your work, you might find yourself relying too heavily on adjectives and adverbs. This means your nouns and verbs are weaklings. The answer isn’t to pile on the modifiers but to strengthen you nouns or verbs. Take time to find the right word….to say exactly what you mean. Concreteness is better than abstraction. Shorter is often better.” P. 31.

Comment; I keep searching for how to operationalize the process we call revising. Or, to put it another way, what do you do when you revise? Strengthening nouns and verbs and eliminating adjectives and adverbs is at least part of the answer. RayS.

Title: “Give Readers a Story, Not Dry Facts.” Chuck Leddy. The Writer (August 2011), 30-31.

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