Are there free college courses online?
Answer/Quote: “It costs well over $50,000 a year to attend the University
of Pennsylvania, but beginning in June, anyone anywhere will be able to get a
sliver of that Ivy League education for free.”
Quote: “Penn
has joined a group of top universities, including Princeton, that will begin offering select courses online for
free through, a California-based online education company founded
this year by two Stanford University computer-science professors.”
“The goal is to make top-notch education available worldwide, including in
developing countries, and to a much larger group of people.” A2.
I signed up for a course out of the
University of Pennsylvania on modern poetry. The professor who is giving it, Al
Filreis, briefly summarizes the course, is himself and his qualifications
described, and he answers frequently asked questions about the course. Sounds
as if it will be stimulating and nonthreatening.
Here are some other courses:
Society, Networks and Information. Courses:
Model Thinking, Securing Digital Democracy and Social
Network Analytics.
Economics, Finance and Business. Courses:
Introduction to Finance, Model Thinking, and Health Policy and Affordable Care Act.
Humanities and Social Sciences. Courses:
Greek and Roman Mythology, Listening to World Music, Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Computer Science. Courses: Cryptography, Natural Language Processing and Machine
Mathematics and Statistics. Courses:
Automata, Cryptography, and Introduction
to Analytic Combinatorics.
Healthcare, Medicine and Biology. Courses:
Health Policy and the Affordable Care Act,
Fundamentals of Pharmacology, and Basic Behavioral Neurology.
Come on in.
Title: “A
touch of Ivy, Free: Penn and Others Are Teaming Up to Provide Free Online Class
Offerings.” Susan Snyder. The
Philadelphia Inquirer (Wednesday,
April 18, 2012), p. A2.